
Wiping in cyber forensic refers to the process of permanently erasing data from a computer or other digital device in order to prevent it from being recovered. This is often done as part of an investigation into a cybercrime or other digital security incident, in order to ensure that any evidence that may be present on the device is not compromised.

There are several different methods that can be used to wipe a device, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most common methods include using software tools to overwrite the data on the device, physically destroying the device, and using specialized hardware tools to erase the data.

One of the most popular software tools used for wiping is called "DBAN," which stands for "Darik's Boot and Nuke." This tool is designed to completely overwrite all of the data on a device, making it impossible for any data to be recovered. This is accomplished by writing a random pattern of data over all of the sectors of the device, effectively wiping all of the data.

Another popular method for wiping a device is to physically destroy it. This can be done by breaking the device into small pieces, or by using specialized tools such as a hammer or drill to damage the device beyond repair. This method is typically used when the device is no longer needed and there is no need to preserve any data that may be present on it.

Finally, specialized hardware tools can also be used to wipe a device. These tools typically use powerful magnets or other methods to physically erase the data on the device, making it impossible for any data to be recovered.

Overall, wiping is an important part of cyber forensic investigations, as it ensures that any evidence present on a device is not compromised and that the device can be safely disposed of or reused. Whether using software tools, physically destroying the device, or specialized hardware tools, it is important to choose the method that best suits the specific situation and the needs of the investigation.

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